Valentine's Day Books for Kids

Valentine's Day Books for Kids

Looking for the perfect Valentine's Day book for your little ones? Here are some of the best books to add a bit of warmth and sweetness to this special day. From charming stories of love and friendship to fun counting books, there's something sure to make your little one smile.

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Loveable Valentine's Day Outfit Ideas for Your Little Ones

Loveable Valentine's Day Outfit Ideas for Your Little Ones

I’ve already been browsing for cute shirts for the kids this year - so many stores are already “sold out” of a lot of their Valentine’s Day designs (I’m looking at you, Old Navy!), even though Valentine’s is still a month away. It’s crazy. But I put together a round-up of adorable Valentine’s Day outfits for little kids (babies and toddlers) that are still in stock in multiple sizes and that I think are just the cutest styles. I hope you find something you like!

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Cyber Weekend Sales for 2022

Cyber Weekend Sales for 2022

I’ve rounded up all of the best Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals for 2022 from some of my favorite stores! I went with stores where I shop frequently, are most popular for great deals for Black Friday and Cyber Monday, or are somewhat local to where I live and would most likely shop!

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16+ Fall Wreaths Under $60

16+ Fall Wreaths Under $60

Fall is my favorite time of year and I’m currently in the process of a few projects for my front porch to add some additional storage and fall decor for this season. Since fall decor is on my mind, I’ve rounded up some fabulous fall wreaths for shopping on a budget!

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Summer Deals with Amazon Prime Days & Target Deal Days

Summer Deals with Amazon Prime Days & Target Deal Days

With Amazon’s Prime Day and Target’s Deal Days both landing in July this year, it’s kind of like having Black Friday in the summer! I’m not an advocate for spending money that you don’t have, but if you have been holding out for specific items to go on sale, or want to shop really early for birthdays or holidays this year, now would be a great time to buy! You’ve likely seen all over the news that major retail stores like Target are slashing prices to help move overstock items from their stores ahead of the fall and holiday seasons. So I think we’re going to see some pretty major discounts all over this summer.

There are clearly going to be TONS of deals across Amazon and Target during these days, so I’m going to try my best to help showcase some of the best deals from both places - items that we have and love in our house or things that we have on wishlists!

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8+ Toddler Rain Gear Styles

8+ Toddler Rain Gear Styles

Even rainy days don’t keep my toddler from wanting to be outside or take walks around our city blocks! It doesn’t matter the weather, my son loves to be outside. And with today being another rainy summer day, I thought it would be fun to share some cute finds for toddler rain gear! I styled a few looks that I think would be so fun for any toddler, but also shared a bunch of additional cute options at the bottom of this post. Hope it helps you find something for your own toddler!

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Baby Style: Cute Outfits for Summer!

Baby Style: Cute Outfits for Summer!

It’s time for those summer outfits, friends! This is my first summer with a baby girl and it’s a whole new world for me! With my son, it was all onesies and shorts… but now we’re in the world of cute dresses, rompers & hair bows for my little lady.

My kids have some of the best aunties ever and my baby girl received a bunch of cute new outfits from one of her aunties just before we went on a family vacation. So I thought I would share some of those adorable outfits from our shopping haul with you all!

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Valentine's Finds for 2022

Valentine's Finds for 2022

I’m still working on figuring out exactly what I want Valentine’s Day to look like in our home for my children, but since I’ve been browsing for some cute Valentine’s Day decorations, cards, and treats, I wanted to share my favorite finds with you all!

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12 Days of Birthday Gifts

12 Days of Birthday Gifts

my super sweet husband decided to surprise me with The 12 Days of Birthday Gifts! It worked out so nicely that my birthday lands on the 12th, so each night from the 1st to the 12th, I got to open a new small gift for my birthday. What a sweet idea! There is one large Christmas/Birthday combo gift that will be arriving in another month or so, but the rest of the gifts were small, yet meaningful! I’m going to share with you the gifts that I received and what I love most about each of them! I hope these gifts give you some great ideas for birthday gifts for women.

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Cozy Favorites from Amazon

Cozy Favorites from Amazon

It’s no secret that I really love cozy and warm sweaters and outfits in the wintertime. Cozy sweaters, cozy loungewear and pajamas, cozy slippers. So I’ve rounded up a few cozy favorites from Amazon that you might want to add to your wardrobe this winter!

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Shop Small & Local in Lancaster, PA

Shop Small & Local in Lancaster, PA

If you are gearing up for holiday shopping or looking for the perfect unique gift for someone special this Christmas, please consider visiting a local small business when browsing for gift ideas! Check out this roundup of local businesses in Lancaster, PA. Small Business Saturday is coming up on Saturday, November 27, 2021.

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Favorite Things: April 2021

Favorite Things: April 2021

This past month felt sooooo long. Our little boy got sick (or was fussy from teething), my husband came down with COVID and I somehow managed to survive and keep our house together without getting sick myself. Crazy! In a lot of ways, I don’t feel like we did a whole lot this past month other than just trying to survive!

In this post, you’ll find a few of my favorite things that I have been enjoying the most over the past month or that my family has found to be super useful! It is my hope to share with you a few items every month and pass along some recommendations or joy to other families! Hope you find something helpful here!

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