FWTFL Update - Week Three
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“Ohhh, we’re halfway there!” Another week and another update after Week Three of our FASTer Way to Fat Loss journey with Ahna Fulmer as our coach! If you are just popping in to read our current update and missed the previous ones, you can find those here.
I ended our post last week talking about how my goal for Week Three was to figure out how to manage our food intake and enjoy our food without stressing over how much we are getting of everything, and still find a way to hit our goals. Honest moment: I think I only got halfway to that goal. There were some days that felt super easy and rewarding as I reached the end of the day and looked at my Nutrients intake for the day and nearly hit my goals in each of my macro categories! But there have also been other days this week where even when I felt like I ate enough food and enough to feel satisfied, I wasn’t able to hit my goals for my Nutrients (Protein, Fat and Carbohydrates).
Here’s the deal. I always knew going into this FASTer Way to Fat Loss program that it was NOT going to be an easy walk in the park. It’s more like the walks we take around our city streets - lots of bumps and pauses and who-knows-what to navigate around as we push the stroller and walk the dog. That’s how these past few weeks have felt so far… moments that have been smooth and easy, with bumps along the way that cause us to pause or work a little harder to keep moving forward.
And I’m ok with that. Because our end game is to get to a point where we feel that “food freedom” - to overhaul our pantry and mentality around food and be mindful of the ingredients that go into our recipes or items in our cabinets, focus on whole foods, and enjoy ALL food available to us, while being intentional to know what we need to fuel our daily routines and exercise goals. And let’s not forget about the Intermittent Fasting schedule (which has been so great for me so far!).
This week, I have finally figured out the correct settings to track my macro nutrients and understand the amount of food that I need to be eating to reach those goals! Eating enough calories every day is definitely still really hard for me, but my evening chocolate peanut butter protein shake has been such a help (and is super delicious!). Thankful to have a few days this week where I nearly hit all of my macro goals!
My win this week has been getting my macros up and better balanced, as well as getting closer to my calorie goal. I’ve been able to give my body what it needs and all headaches and feeling tired have mostly gone away. Also, Jen makes delicious protein shakes and that has been a delicious way to end our eating window together.
If you want to learn even more about the FASTer Way to Fat Loss Program or join the next round with Ahna Fulmer as your coach, you can follow the button below! And as always, please reach out to us through our comments on this blog, by email, or message us on Facebook or Instagram if you have any questions about our experience or want to know more about our journey!
The next round of FASTer Way to Fat Loss with Ahna Fulmer starts on September 21st!