How to Pack a Diaper Bag for the Perfect Baby Shower Gift

How to Pack a Diaper Bag for the Perfect Baby Shower Gift

If you're looking for a practical and thoughtful baby shower gift, consider a diaper bag filled with all the essentials. From diapers and wipes to extra clothes and toys, a well-stocked diaper bag can make life easier for new parents. Here's how to create the perfect diaper bag gift:

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How To Keep Track of Your Kids' Memories & Milestones

How To Keep Track of Your Kids' Memories & Milestones

When I was younger, I used to journal all. of. the. time. - but now that I’m older, I find it is much harder to stay on top of writing things down or tracking fun memories and moments of not only my life, but also for my kids. I love all of the fun ideas for keeping track of your kids’ memories and milestones, but I often find it hard to know when or how often to write something down, or even what exactly to write or say. I often draw a blank. I’m sure our life is exciting and fun and worth sharing, but where do I begin?

I’m sharing with you several easy ways to keep track of your kids’ childhood memories & milestones, but also my FAVORITE product for tracking all of these memories that works best for me!

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Sleep Essentials for My 3-Month-Old

Sleep Essentials for My 3-Month-Old

Sleep feels like such a precious commodity when you have a newborn… and even more so when you also have a toddler! Now that we are working through sleep training again with a 3-month old and longing for nights where we get a full 8 hours of sleep (or even 6 - I would be happy with 6!), I wanted to share some of my all-time favorite sleep essentials for our 3-month old baby.

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Travel Essentials for a Toddler & Newborn

Travel Essentials for a Toddler & Newborn

When traveling with newborns and toddlers, it's essential to be well-prepared! Planning ahead and packing these essentials can help make traveling with young children a smoother experience for everyone involved. I hope that some of my favorite products find you some relief while you are planning and packing for your next trip with little kids!

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Baby Style: Cute Outfits for Summer!

Baby Style: Cute Outfits for Summer!

It’s time for those summer outfits, friends! This is my first summer with a baby girl and it’s a whole new world for me! With my son, it was all onesies and shorts… but now we’re in the world of cute dresses, rompers & hair bows for my little lady.

My kids have some of the best aunties ever and my baby girl received a bunch of cute new outfits from one of her aunties just before we went on a family vacation. So I thought I would share some of those adorable outfits from our shopping haul with you all!

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Preparing for our Second Baby

Preparing for our Second Baby

We’re at 36 weeks! Only a few more weeks until we get to meet our precious baby girl! Overall, I just generally feel more tired and uncomfortable with each passing day and am eagerly looking forward to holding this baby girl in my arms! Now I just have a few more practical things to take care of as we prepare for her arrival.

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Pregnancy #2 Update

Pregnancy #2 Update

It’s been such a long time since I have shared any updates about Pregnancy #2 with our sweet baby girl - and boy, are there some updates! So I want to share a few updates about how this pregnancy has been, how I’m feeling, how baby girl is doing, and ways that you can be praying for us!

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