Visiting Great Wolf Lodge with Toddlers: Must-Haves & Tips for Parents

Visiting Great Wolf Lodge with Toddlers: Must-Haves & Tips for Parents

Last year we took our two toddlers to Great Wolf Lodge for the first time and had an unforgettable experience! From the excitement of the Wolf Den Suite with bunk beds to splashing for hours in the indoor waterpark, our kids were in heaven. However, traveling with toddlers comes with its own set of challenges, and I quickly learned what worked well—and what I will be doing differently next time.

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Our Christmas Card for 2022 (plus a minted discount code!)

Our Christmas Card for 2022 (plus a minted discount code!)

I have always loved receiving Christmas Cards! I love hanging them somewhere special in the house so that I can see the faces of friends and family and can intentionally pray over them. Over the years, I have used several different services for creating and sending out Christmas Cards, but my absolute favorite to use is Minted! And this year I have a special discount code for you!

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A Life Update from October 2022 - Week 4

A Life Update from October 2022 - Week 4

It's Eric's birthday today! If you see him this week, make sure to wish him a happy birthday in person, or drop him a note or message online or by text! We've been busy this weekend enjoying some trick-or-treat events for Oliver and spending some time outdoors in the beautiful fall weather before it gets too cold again.

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A Life Update from October 2022 - Week 2

A Life Update from October 2022 - Week 2

We’ve had a busy week filled with some great family moments, but we also have been dealing with some sick kiddos who are fighting colds and having difficulty sleeping at night! This means that Eric and I have also been having difficulty sleeping at night. This past week was also Amazon Prime Early Access Deals and Walmart Deal Days, which are like early Black Friday deals, which kept me busy browsing through sales to share with you all! This weekend is also the fall “retreat” for Eric and his student ministry, which is a one-day extended night for youth group that they are calling a Fall Focus Night to look ahead at their ministry year.

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Celebrating Our Love Story + A Promptly Journals Giveaway!

Celebrating Our Love Story + A Promptly Journals Giveaway!

I’m sharing how my husband and I celebrate our Love Story every year for our First Date Anniversary and our Wedding Anniversary in the month of September. Plus a giveaway to Promptly Journals!

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How To Keep Track of Your Kids' Memories & Milestones

How To Keep Track of Your Kids' Memories & Milestones

When I was younger, I used to journal all. of. the. time. - but now that I’m older, I find it is much harder to stay on top of writing things down or tracking fun memories and moments of not only my life, but also for my kids. I love all of the fun ideas for keeping track of your kids’ memories and milestones, but I often find it hard to know when or how often to write something down, or even what exactly to write or say. I often draw a blank. I’m sure our life is exciting and fun and worth sharing, but where do I begin?

I’m sharing with you several easy ways to keep track of your kids’ childhood memories & milestones, but also my FAVORITE product for tracking all of these memories that works best for me!

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Travel Essentials for a Toddler & Newborn

Travel Essentials for a Toddler & Newborn

When traveling with newborns and toddlers, it's essential to be well-prepared! Planning ahead and packing these essentials can help make traveling with young children a smoother experience for everyone involved. I hope that some of my favorite products find you some relief while you are planning and packing for your next trip with little kids!

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Preparing for our Second Baby

Preparing for our Second Baby

We’re at 36 weeks! Only a few more weeks until we get to meet our precious baby girl! Overall, I just generally feel more tired and uncomfortable with each passing day and am eagerly looking forward to holding this baby girl in my arms! Now I just have a few more practical things to take care of as we prepare for her arrival.

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Toddler Library Book Haul - February 2022

Toddler Library Book Haul - February 2022

I thought it would be fun to share Ollie’s library hauls on the blog and give you my thoughts on each of the books that we read and share how our toddler seemed to enjoy the books (or not)! Our toddler is currently just a few months over 2 years old but has an active imagination, so I picked books that I thought he would enjoy based on his current interests (dinosaurs, monsters, trucks, etc.).

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Pregnancy #2 Update

Pregnancy #2 Update

It’s been such a long time since I have shared any updates about Pregnancy #2 with our sweet baby girl - and boy, are there some updates! So I want to share a few updates about how this pregnancy has been, how I’m feeling, how baby girl is doing, and ways that you can be praying for us!

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Last-Minute Stocking Stuffer Ideas

Last-Minute Stocking Stuffer Ideas

I know I can’t be the only one that’s looking for some last-minute stocking stuffer ideas for everyone in the family. I might be really good at ordering gifts early, but somehow the need for stocking stuffers always sneaks up on me every year! When a good friend texted me the other day asking for stocking stuffer ideas for her husband, I thought it would be worth sharing some of my favorite stocking stuffer ideas with you all!

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The Best Maternity Outfits for Christmas

The Best Maternity Outfits for Christmas

Dressing for the holidays and special events can be a bit difficult when you are pregnant and looking for cute maternity holiday outfits. So I’ve rounded up some of my favorite holiday finds for maternity dresses, maternity sweaters and cardigans, maternity pants, and even some fun Christmas jewelry accessories. Oh, and let’s not forget the fun graphic sweatshirts and ugly Christmas sweaters for maternity!

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Our Christmas Card for 2021

Our Christmas Card for 2021

I have always loved receiving Christmas Cards! I love hanging them somewhere special in the house so that I can see the faces of friends and family and can be intentional to pray over them. Over the years, I have used several different services for creating and sending out Christmas Cards, but my absolute favorite to use is Minted!

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300+ Questions for Couples

300+ Questions for Couples

No matter how well you think you know someone - you will be surprised at how much more you can learn about them when you take the time to ask very intentional questions! Asking questions is now a favorite activity for my husband and me on our road trips - and honestly, is something that we should do more often on date nights! This is such a great opportunity to get to know your significant other better and build and develop communication skills and deepen the intimacy of your relationship.

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