Welcome to the World, Ainsley Heather Rose
/She’s here!! Our sweet Ainsley Heather Rose arrived into the world on Tuesday, March 29 at 7:05am, and she is just the sweetest thing!
This little girl’s name has some very special meanings and carry pieces of my heart with each name. As soon as I knew we were having a girl, I knew that she was going to have two middle names. (I hope she doesn’t hate me for that in the future when filling out any legal documents! 😅) Here’s the meaning behind each of her names:
Her first name was actually the last name that we decided on, but one that I have loved for a long time. The name Ainsley actually means “meadow” and reminds me of Psalm 23 - walking with God in green pastures (meadows), resting in Him and trusting Him even in the darkest of days. I hope and pray that our sweet girl will learn to walk with Jesus and allow Him to be her constant source of refreshment through all stages of life.
Ainsley Heather Rose
Her first middle name was one of my dearest friends, one of my soul sisters, who passed away from a battle with breast cancer just weeks after Oliver was born in 2019. Heather was one of those friends who had a laugh that will forever live on in my memories and she was also one of the most faithful prayer warriors that I knew. Prayer was always her first response in any conversation and Jesus was truly her closest friend. It is my hope and prayer that our sweet Ainsley will grow up to have that same love for Jesus and love for laughter and joy.
Heather Joy
Her second middle name is also for a sweet friend and soul sister from college, dear Janet Rose. Janet was also one of those friends who would show you Jesus in ways that humbled you. He was always her greatest joy and Janet showed that same joy and love to everyone she met. She always made time for people and made every new friend feel like they were important and valued in her life. I lived with Janet during my senior year of college and loved every single day of living with her. The fall after our senior year of college, Janet was taken home to be with Jesus after a car accident.
Janet Rose
Our precious little family already feels more complete with Ainsley’s arrival. It is so crazy to anticipate someone for so long when you’ve never even met, yet I felt a deep connection to her for so many months. And seeing her sweet face and holding her in my arms fills my heart with such great joy. 🥰