14 Thoughtful Questions to Ask Your Partner on Valentine's Day
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Searching for the perfect way to show your partner how much you care this Valentine's Day? Get inspired with these unique, yet meaningful questions to ask your spouse or significant other!
Valentine's Day is the perfect time to show your spouse how much you appreciate them, or you can use this as an opportunity to get close and meaningful with your partner. Breaking from the typical greeting cards and roses, why not go a step further by taking this time to reconnect? Ask your partner some thoughtful and engaging questions about themselves, their interests, and what matters most to them for a deeper conversation this Valentine's Day. Whether it's been a week since you said "I do" or several years, connecting with one another through meaningful conversations can help to bring clarity, understanding, and even love into your relationship. Here are some thought-provoking questions to ask your spouse or partner this Valentine's Day.
14 Thoughtful Questions to Ask Your Partner on Valentine’s Day
What would be your dream date for Valentine’s Day?
Asking your partner what they would desire for their dream date can show them how much you care and remind them that it’s the thought that really counts. Whether your spouse prefers to stay in and cozy up with a movie or go out on an adventure, your actions will show what they mean to you. Plus, this is a great way to come up with a plan for future Valentine's Days together.
If you could tell me one thing from the past year that I did to make you proud, what would it be?
This heartfelt question allows your partner to reflect on the past year of your relationship. It’s an excellent way for your spouse to feel appreciated for everything they do for you, and it will undoubtedly make them feel that much more special during this season of love. What’s more, this question also lets you both acknowledge what you have accomplished together in the past year as a couple.
What is something that you appreciate about this relationship?
Valentine’s Day is about expressing love and appreciation, so this heartfelt question is an absolute must. This question gives your partner a chance to share the little things that make them feel appreciated or connected to you in their relationship with you. Having a conversation like this can help deepen your bond while also bringing back fond memories of times spent together.
Is there something to still check off your bucket list that you would want us to do together in the next year?
If bucket list experiences are something you and your partner have talked about in the past, jump-starting that conversation on Valentine’s Day can be a great way to begin planning for bigger adventures together. Asking your partner what item from their bucket list they'd like to check off with you this upcoming year gives you insight into their biggest dreams and aspirations. You may also learn about new activities or places your significant other would love to explore!
What's a way I show you I care outside of romantic gestures?
Beyond romantic gestures like date nights or thoughtful gifts, there are many small and simple acts that demonstrate to your partner how much you care. From taking on extra household tasks to supporting them during difficult moments, these little acts of kindness can make all the difference in keeping your relationship strong this Valentine’s Day. Asking your partner what other ways they feel appreciated is the perfect opportunity to open the doors for further conversation and assurance that you love them beyond one special day.
What is your favorite memory with me?
This question will help you both reflect on the moments that have brought you closer together. Whether it is your first date, a milestone reached as a couple or a spontaneous night under the stars; this question creates an opportunity for your partner to appreciate what they cherish the most about the relationship.
In what ways have I made a positive change in your life?
This question can bring a lot of insight into the relationship— what have they enjoyed the most, and how have they grown because of you. It encourages them to reflect on all the amazing experiences and moments you’ve had as a couple and show appreciation for all that you’ve done together. Not only is it an opportunity for your partner to express gratitude for the positive changes in their life; but it also gives them space to appreciate all that you’ve been able to accomplish with each other.
What are three dreams you have for the future?
Ask your partner to think about their biggest and deepest aspirations for the future— be it in relationship, career, or life goals. It's a fantastic way to have an inspiring conversation and get a better understanding of each other’s dreams and hopes. Don't forget to share yours too! It'll be a chance to discover new dreams you can pursue together and cheer each other on in achieving whatever ambitions you have as a couple.
How can I make you feel most loved?
I love this question so much. This is a thoughtful and sweet way to ask your partner what makes them feel most loved. Sometimes it’s difficult to know how someone wants to be treated, so asking this question will give you an insight into what matters the most to them. Listen attentively and take note of their answers. Be sure to show them those same loving gestures often!
What was your favorite moment with me this past year?
This question is a great way to show that you've been paying attention to the special moments in your relationship. This will create an opportunity for both of you to discuss mutual happy memories that make up your relationship. Reflecting on those moments will help strengthen the bond between each other and make the day extra meaningful for both of you.
If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?
This question is a great conversation starter and will reveal your partner's interests and dreams. You can learn so much just by listening to their thoughts on why they want to visit a certain destination or what they want to experience while they're there. The answers may even give you fun ideas for future trips to take or spark new conversations about how you can make those dreams come true together. Sharing experiences and dreaming up possibilities is a great way to get closer.
What do you like the most about yourself?
Knowing the things your partner loves about themselves can give you greater insight into their character. Not only that, but it’s a good way to boost their confidence and make them feel appreciated. Asking them this question on Valentine’s Day shows that you are invested in knowing more about them and recognize the great qualities they possess!
What are the qualities in me that you love the most?
Everyone loves to hear a compliment! Asking your partner what qualities in you they love the most will show them that you care about what they think of you and want to know why they love being with you. This can be a great confidence-booster for both of you and could lead to even more meaningful conversations about how the two of you complement each other. Use this time to understand each other better and let the love flow!
How do you think we can make our relationship stronger?
Taking some time to ask questions on Valentine’s Day can be very meaningful for your bond. Conversations that focus on ways to make the relationship stronger and better will open up new avenues of communication and understanding between you. Ask your partner what they feel is missing from your relationship, how they think you could both benefit from more connection or quality time together, or what ideas they have that could help make your relationship flourish.
Looking for even more questions to ask your partner?
300+ Questions for Couples
No matter how well you think you know someone - you will be surprised at how much more you can learn about them when you take the time to ask very intentional questions!
Click to read all 300+ questions to ask your spouse or partner.