Our Family Update: Fall 2021
/We’re on the move!
Well, thankfully, we’re not literally moving. But God has been moving within our family and has opened some doors for us that we are incredibly excited about! I’m going to let Eric share in his own words about our most recent family update:
A Note from Eric:
We are excited to announce that on August 30th I will be starting as the new Student Ministries Director at Community Fellowship Church (CFC) here in Lancaster.It is with some mixed emotions that I leave Calvary Church and my various roles in Calvary Student Ministry (CSM). After almost seven years in CSM, we have been able to build so many incredible relationships and seen God work in and through us in so many incredible ways. We leave with so many great memories, stories, and examples of God’s grace and power at work in people’s lives.
It has also been evident to us that God is moving us on and I am so excited for where God has us as a family next! CFC is actually the first church that I applied to when I moved back to America 8 years ago and while it wasn’t the right time then, it is the right time now. With many friends and connections there, it has always been a church we have respected for their heart and mission and we are excited to attend, invest and serve together as a family. With a new building project and ministry being reestablished coming out of COVID, there is a lot of potential for the student ministry at CFC and I am excited to jump into my new role and begin to build relationships with students, parents, and leaders.
Here's how you can be praying:
Pray for the ministry of Calvary Church, that they would find the right replacement and start the new ministry year well.Pray for Eric as there is a quick turnaround from when he starts this new position to the beginning of the ministry year. Pray that relationships will be built and Eric will get to understand the church and student ministry.
Pray for our family as we settle into a new church, that we would find the right small group to get plugged into and that we would grow in our faith together.
Once again, we are incredibly grateful that the Lord has made it so clear that this is the next step for our family and our lives in ministry, but also so grateful that we will stay in the same area! This means that while we will be building many new relationships and friendships, we also get to stay connected with our existing relationships and community - and also get to stay near so much of our family!
For anyone reading this who would love to hear more about how God has been moving in our family over this past year and more specifics about this new move, we would love to have you over for dinner at our house!
Jen, Eric & Oliver standing in front of Community Fellowship Church (CFC) in Lancaster, PA