Meal Plan: March Week Two
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I’m always hearing from friends and other moms that there is a constant struggle to come up with family-friendly meal ideas and breaking the cycle of having the same thing over and over. I’ve even seen several posts lately on TikTok of moms tapping their head and chanting “come on brain, think of things… come on brain, be so smart.” It’s hilarious, but the struggle is real. It can be hard to find inspiration for new meal ideas every week!
Maybe I’m crazy, but I actually LOVE planning out our meals in advance. I even created several posts with my meal planning tips, an entire year of meal ideas, and how I use Trello for meal planning. So this year, I thought I would try to consistently post the meals that my husband and I have on the menu for the week, to continue to give inspiration to you all! We usually plan four main meals for the week, and it can vary which nights get those meals, depending on our schedule - and then other nights of the week are leftovers, takeout or super-easy no-planning-needed meals using food that we know we already have in the freezer or fridge or pantry. Hope these weekly posts bring you lots of meal inspiration and make your life a bit easier!
Meal Ideas for March 2022 - Week Two
We have a few different things going on this week - we have some friends coming over for dinner one night this week and then an event at church another night, which means we will either do takeout or a super quick meal before heading to that event. So most of our meals this week are ones that can be quick and easy dinners for our family.
on the menu
Here are the meals that we have on our family’s menu this week! Join us and make all of the same meals or pick one or two as inspiration to add to your own meal planning this week or sometime this month!
Parm-Crusted Steak & Potatoes
We still have some steak in our freezer, and this is one of my favorite sheet pan meals. It’s also possible we will just cook up the steaks and make mashed potatoes, but this is also a great option for our steak this week! 🥩🥔
Spaghetti with Meat Sauce
I’m planning to serve up a simple spaghetti meal with side salad and garlic bread for our guests this week! I know it doesn’t really require a recipe, but just in case you are looking for a great meat sauce, I’m linking an option here! 🍝🥗🥖
Guacamole Bacon Burgers
We thought burgers would be a good option for one night this week - another meal that doesn’t actually need a recipe, but I have some guacamole snack packs in the fridge and thought these burgers looked really good! My husband is not a big fan of avocado or guacamole so it might just be a topping that I add to my bacon burger. 😅
Grilled Chicken Caesar Salad
Since we have fewer dinners that we will be making at home this week, I thought this could be a great weekend lunch or additional quick dinner if needed. We really love the grilled touch to this salad, but you can also serve it as a standard chicken caesar salad.
grocery list
Each week, I’m going to share a pre-made grocery list that you can download if you want to make these meals as well! Just cross out any ingredients that you already have in your pantry or fridge/freezer and add any other groceries that you still need! The only thing that I am not adding to the grocery list each week are any spices (so make sure you add the ones you don’t already have!), and main staples like salt & pepper, and olive oil.
Click on the image to download the Grocery List PDF!
click on the image above to download this grocery list as a pdf