Welcome to the World, Ainsley Heather Rose
/She’s here!! Our sweet Ainsley Heather Rose arrived into the world on Tuesday, March 29 at 7:05am, and she is just the sweetest thing!
Read MoreA lifestyle blog focused on motherhood, marriage, and ministry! My journey as a work-from-home mom and entrepreneur, the wife of a youth pastor, and sharing my favorite things!
She’s here!! Our sweet Ainsley Heather Rose arrived into the world on Tuesday, March 29 at 7:05am, and she is just the sweetest thing!
Read MoreI thought it would be fun to share Ollie’s library hauls on the blog and give you my thoughts on each of the books that we read and share how our toddler seemed to enjoy the books (or not)! Our toddler is currently just a few months over 2 years old but has an active imagination, so I picked books that I thought he would enjoy based on his current interests (dinosaurs, monsters, trucks, etc.).
Read MoreMy husband really came through for Mother’s Day this year and got me a very nice Herschel Hip Pack with a bunch of first aid kit supplies that I can add to the fanny pack and hang by our front door, ready to grab any time that we are taking a walk around the city! It includes just enough simple first aid supplies that can clean up and patch scrapes and cuts and get us home in one piece for a deeper clean if needed.
Read MoreWelcome to Simple Modest Mom! A lifestyle blog focused on motherhood, marriage, and ministry. This is where I share about my journey as a work-from-home mom and entrepreneur, being the wife of a youth pastor, and sharing about things that I love!
Learn more here.
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This is going to sound crazy but my new favorite thing is budgeting with YNAB and you have to try it! It completely changed the way I think about money, the way I spend money, and for the first time in—ever?—I'm not stressed. I have a plan. You will thank me later—don't pass Go, don't collect $200, just sign-up for YNAB!