Pumpkin Muffins

Pumpkin Muffins

I do believe that fall is easily my favorite season! And whenever that cooler fall weather hits, all I can think about is pumpkin… everything! Pumpkin spice lattes, pumpkin bagels, pumpkin spice donuts, and pumpkin funnel cake (yes, pumpkin funnel cakes are a thing!). So naturally, as I was thinking about making muffins, I had to look for a pumpkin muffin recipe!

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FWTFL Update - Week Four

FWTFL Update - Week Four

It’s highlight time for Week Four of our FASTer Way to Fat Loss journey with Ahna Fulmer! Eric and I want to be intentional to share with you our personal individual experiences with this program and what we love about it (and what we find difficult as well!) - we are all about authentic living and that means sharing the good and the ugly! This might be the hardest week yet. I believe that it’s probably supposed to just keep getting easier and feel more natural, but the further I go in this program, the more I realize that I hate programs.

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Date Night: Partners in Crime-Fighting

Date Night: Partners in Crime-Fighting

I have always been a sucker for a good murder mystery or true crime documentary or podcast. Maybe it has something to do with my Enneagram 1 and wanting to find justice, but the stories often suck me right in and I want to know “whodunnit” and why did they do it. So when my husband and I came across an ad for Unsolved Crime Files - a game where you get to solve a fictional crime using a packet of cold case materials - we just KNEW this had to be our next date night adventure!

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Using Trello for Meal Planning

Using Trello for Meal Planning

I know there are many methods for meal planning that include paper or whiteboard that will work great for many people… but it’s just not long-lasting for me. I need something digital. And this is where Trello is a dream meal planning organizer for me! I like to think of it as my digital recipe box… I can have lots of recipe cards (with all kinds of labels or listed in all sorts of categories), including links to the recipe source if it’s something I found online, added photos of what the meal is “supposed” to look like, and even leave notes for myself in comment form after I have made that recipe and want to remember something that I did differently or a comment that my husband or kids have made about that meal.

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FWTFL Update - Week Three

FWTFL Update - Week Three

“Ohhh, we’re halfway there!” It’s highlight time for Week Three of our FASTer Way to Fat Loss journey with Ahna Fulmer! Eric and I want to be intentional to share with you our personal individual experiences with this program and what we love about it (and what we find difficult as well!) - we are all about authentic living and that means sharing the good and the ugly!

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FWTFL Update - Week Two

FWTFL Update - Week Two

It’s time for our recap and update after Week Two of our FASTer Way to Fat Loss journey with Ahna Fulmer as our coach! Eric and I want to be intentional to share with you our personal individual experiences with this program and what we love about it (and what we find difficult as well!) - we are all about authentic living and that means sharing the good and the ugly!

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FWTFL Update - Week One

FWTFL Update - Week One

It’s time for our recap and update after Week One of our FASTer Way to Fat Loss journey with Ahna Fulmer as our coach! Eric and I want to be intentional to share with you our personal individual experiences with this program and what we love about it (and what we find difficult as well!) - we are all about authentic living and that means sharing the good and the ugly!

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Top 5 Beach Vacation Must-Haves

Top 5 Beach Vacation Must-Haves

With this being our first year going on vacation with a baby, I wanted to share a few of my must-have items with you that made our vacation or time at the beach the best it could be! A few of the items are not necessarily baby-related, but these are by far the top things that I am thankful that I had for this vacation!

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How I Found the Confidence to Start My Own Business

How I Found the Confidence to Start My Own Business

When I lost my job back in March 2020, with a 4-month-old at home, just before the height of a pandemic that proceeded to shut down the entire country, I wrestled a lot with the potential options for my future and what working was going to look like… or what I wanted it to look like. As I navigated the best way to find legitimate work from home jobs, I wanted to share with you two tools that helped me to find the confidence to start my own business as a Virtual Assistant!

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I’ve struggled to know what to say over the past few days. I’ve seen the videos and have watched the news surrounding the death of George Floyd. What do you say when you’re not even sure if you have the right to speak? What do you say when there are no words — just sadness and grief? How can any of this be ok?

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Welcome, Baby Ollie

Welcome, Baby Ollie

What a whirlwind. it’s been a few months now, and it feels like life has not really slowed down at all since our precious little man arrived into this world. Eric and I have been so overwhelmed by God’s good gift of this little life and the privilege and honor that it is to be his parents. We’re enjoying every day and smile and learning so much humility and selflessness with every cry or new milestone. This journey has not been an easy one so far, but it sure has been beautiful…

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pregnancy observations

pregnancy observations

The excitement that fills my heart when I get to say “my little boy” is hard to put into words. The first trimester was extremely difficult - I felt like I was sick every night and could barely eat anything in the evenings. In all honesty, I did not enjoy being pregnant in those first few months. But around the 13-14 week mark, those nights of nausea faded away, and within the past two weeks (I’m almost 22 weeks now), I’ve been feeling this little guy moving around more and more. Those little kicks are the most incredible thing I have ever experienced in my life!

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30on30: Liverpool

30on30: Liverpool

I have been so eager to share with you all about our big adventure to Liverpool for Eric's 30th Birthday — I adore my husband and have been saving our money up to be able to make this trip happen. It was so fun to experience a new part of the world with my husband and celebrate this man in such a fun way, and a huge bonus that we got to visit Anfield and see LIverpool FC play several times - and even got to meet Steven Gerrard!

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my darling twin.

my darling twin.

I'm not sure that I can truly describe both the joy and sorrow that swept over me as I read this card. You see... I lost one of my dearest friends almost 9 years ago, and here were her words once again, in her handwriting. Not one of the Facebook posts or emails... a real, handwritten note.

... a note from my dear, sweet Janet Rose.

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Simple Scones

Simple Scones

A simple scone recipe that is easy to adapt to any variety by changing up the fruit, nuts, ora other add-ins! I would love to hear more ideas for varieties of scones to try next... leave your ideas or feedback in the comments!

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I never really dreamed of being a princess when I was a little girl... never really imagined myself as a princess on my wedding day... yet there I am, in the middle of my own fairy tale!  Our wedding day was more beautiful and dreamy than I could have ever imagined or asked for. It's hard to describe all of the emotions that washed over me that day - the day that I finally had the blessing to commit to being in covenant with my love, Eric Gregory.

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