Last-Minute Stocking Stuffer Ideas

Last-Minute Stocking Stuffer Ideas

I know I can’t be the only one that’s looking for some last-minute stocking stuffer ideas for everyone in the family. I might be really good at ordering gifts early, but somehow the need for stocking stuffers always sneaks up on me every year! When a good friend texted me the other day asking for stocking stuffer ideas for her husband, I thought it would be worth sharing some of my favorite stocking stuffer ideas with you all!

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The Best Maternity Outfits for Christmas

The Best Maternity Outfits for Christmas

Dressing for the holidays and special events can be a bit difficult when you are pregnant and looking for cute maternity holiday outfits. So I’ve rounded up some of my favorite holiday finds for maternity dresses, maternity sweaters and cardigans, maternity pants, and even some fun Christmas jewelry accessories. Oh, and let’s not forget the fun graphic sweatshirts and ugly Christmas sweaters for maternity!

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Cozy Favorites from Amazon

Cozy Favorites from Amazon

It’s no secret that I really love cozy and warm sweaters and outfits in the wintertime. Cozy sweaters, cozy loungewear and pajamas, cozy slippers. So I’ve rounded up a few cozy favorites from Amazon that you might want to add to your wardrobe this winter!

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Our Christmas Card for 2021

Our Christmas Card for 2021

I have always loved receiving Christmas Cards! I love hanging them somewhere special in the house so that I can see the faces of friends and family and can be intentional to pray over them. Over the years, I have used several different services for creating and sending out Christmas Cards, but my absolute favorite to use is Minted!

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Favorite Things: July 2021

Favorite Things: July 2021

I can’t believe that it is already the end of July!

In this post, you’ll find a few of my favorite things that I have been enjoying the most over the past month or that my family has found to be super useful! It is my hope to share with you a few items every month and pass along some recommendations or joy to other families! Hope you find something helpful here!

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How To Keep Your Toddler Quiet During a Wedding

How To Keep Your Toddler Quiet During a Wedding

For all of you mamas out there that will be chasing after a toddler during an upcoming wedding or special event, I have a few pointers and suggestions of (quiet!) activities to try and keep your toddler entertained during a wedding ceremony and reception, including what I had in my bag!

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Favorite Things: May 2021

Favorite Things: May 2021

The month of May felt like a nice little preview of summer… and I am SO ready for summertime!

In this post, you’ll find a few of my favorite things that I have been enjoying the most over the past month or that my family has found to be super useful! It is my hope to share with you a few items every month and pass along some recommendations or joy to other families! Hope you find something helpful here!

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The Ultimate First Aid Kit for Moms on the Go

The Ultimate First Aid Kit for Moms on the Go

My husband really came through for Mother’s Day this year and got me a very nice Herschel Hip Pack with a bunch of first aid kit supplies that I can add to the fanny pack and hang by our front door, ready to grab any time that we are taking a walk around the city! It includes just enough simple first aid supplies that can clean up and patch scrapes and cuts and get us home in one piece for a deeper clean if needed.

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Favorite Things: April 2021

Favorite Things: April 2021

This past month felt sooooo long. Our little boy got sick (or was fussy from teething), my husband came down with COVID and I somehow managed to survive and keep our house together without getting sick myself. Crazy! In a lot of ways, I don’t feel like we did a whole lot this past month other than just trying to survive!

In this post, you’ll find a few of my favorite things that I have been enjoying the most over the past month or that my family has found to be super useful! It is my hope to share with you a few items every month and pass along some recommendations or joy to other families! Hope you find something helpful here!

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Favorite Things: March 2021

Favorite Things: March 2021

Goodbye, March! It’s crazy to think that this past month marked one whole year of the Coronavirus pandemic. In our home, the month of March was filled with lots of looking forward to spring and spending more time outside with my toddler (even on the cold days).

In this post, you’ll find a few of my favorite things that I have been enjoying the most over the past month or that my family has found to be super useful! It is my hope to share with you a few items every month and pass along some recommendations or joy to other families! Hope you find something helpful here!

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Favorite Things: February 2021

Favorite Things: February 2021

I wanted to share with you a few of my favorite things that I have been enjoying the most over the past month or that my family has found to be super useful! It is my hope to share with you a few items every month and pass along some recommendations or joy to other families! This month has been all about staying cozy during some extremely cold days and bringing some sanity to this crazy little home in the middle of winter during a pandemic. Hope you find something helpful here!

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