Meal Plan: February Week Four

Meal Plan: February Week Four

We don’t have anything special really going on this week (hooray), so I’m looking at meals that can use up some ingredients that I know I already have on hand or meals that we maybe haven’t made in a long time. Especially looking forward to the Philly Cheesesteaks that I have on the menu for the weekend!

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Meal Plan: February Week Three

Meal Plan: February Week Three

It’s Valentine’s Day today! So I’m kicking off our meal plan for this week with some heart-shaped pizza - we love this meal for Valentine’s Day and is a fun tradition for our family. Tonight, we’ll be making some homemade pizza crust and shaping our own heart-shaped pizzas for our 2-year-old to have a little “dinner date” with his auntie this evening while my husband and I go to Bible Study. The rest of our meals this week will be simple menu items that won’t take too much time to make so that we can take it easy, especially since my husband will be getting his booster vaccine at the end of this week and we will want to keep it super simple this weekend!

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Meal Plan: February Week Two

Meal Plan: February Week Two

This week’s Meal Plan is all about using up ingredients we already have or planning smartly to make plenty of meat for one meal that can also be used again later in the week as quick and easy party food for the Big Game on Sunday!

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Meal Plan: February Week One

Meal Plan: February Week One

Maybe I’m crazy, but I actually LOVE planning out our meals in advance. I even created several posts with my meal planning tips, an entire year of meal ideas, and how I use Trello for meal planning. So this year, I thought I would try to consistently post the meals that my husband and I have on the menu for the week, to continue to give inspiration to you all! We usually plan four main meals for the week, and it can vary which nights get those meals, depending on our schedule - and then other nights of the week are leftovers, takeout or super-easy no-planning-needed meals using food that we know we already have in the freezer or fridge or pantry. Hope these weekly posts bring you lots of meal inspiration and make your life a bit easier!

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Pregnancy #2 Update

Pregnancy #2 Update

It’s been such a long time since I have shared any updates about Pregnancy #2 with our sweet baby girl - and boy, are there some updates! So I want to share a few updates about how this pregnancy has been, how I’m feeling, how baby girl is doing, and ways that you can be praying for us!

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Valentine's Finds for 2022

Valentine's Finds for 2022

I’m still working on figuring out exactly what I want Valentine’s Day to look like in our home for my children, but since I’ve been browsing for some cute Valentine’s Day decorations, cards, and treats, I wanted to share my favorite finds with you all!

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12 Days of Birthday Gifts

12 Days of Birthday Gifts

my super sweet husband decided to surprise me with The 12 Days of Birthday Gifts! It worked out so nicely that my birthday lands on the 12th, so each night from the 1st to the 12th, I got to open a new small gift for my birthday. What a sweet idea! There is one large Christmas/Birthday combo gift that will be arriving in another month or so, but the rest of the gifts were small, yet meaningful! I’m going to share with you the gifts that I received and what I love most about each of them! I hope these gifts give you some great ideas for birthday gifts for women.

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2022 Calendars and Planners

2022 Calendars and Planners

I’ve rounded up some of the most beautiful calendars that I could find that I think would look beautiful hanging on any wall or sitting on any desk! There are also some stunning planners, meal planning notepads and planners, and goals and habits notepads and planners for tasks and productivity.

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Last-Minute Stocking Stuffer Ideas

Last-Minute Stocking Stuffer Ideas

I know I can’t be the only one that’s looking for some last-minute stocking stuffer ideas for everyone in the family. I might be really good at ordering gifts early, but somehow the need for stocking stuffers always sneaks up on me every year! When a good friend texted me the other day asking for stocking stuffer ideas for her husband, I thought it would be worth sharing some of my favorite stocking stuffer ideas with you all!

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The Best Maternity Outfits for Christmas

The Best Maternity Outfits for Christmas

Dressing for the holidays and special events can be a bit difficult when you are pregnant and looking for cute maternity holiday outfits. So I’ve rounded up some of my favorite holiday finds for maternity dresses, maternity sweaters and cardigans, maternity pants, and even some fun Christmas jewelry accessories. Oh, and let’s not forget the fun graphic sweatshirts and ugly Christmas sweaters for maternity!

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Cozy Favorites from Amazon

Cozy Favorites from Amazon

It’s no secret that I really love cozy and warm sweaters and outfits in the wintertime. Cozy sweaters, cozy loungewear and pajamas, cozy slippers. So I’ve rounded up a few cozy favorites from Amazon that you might want to add to your wardrobe this winter!

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The Best Christmas Playlists on Spotify

The Best Christmas Playlists on Spotify

I love love LOVE Christmas music and have been making playlists for my different moods for Christmas for years! Just recently, a friend suggested that I should share all of my Christmas playlists on my blog so that lots of other people can enjoy them, too! So I have put together a round-up of 10 of my best Christmas playlists on Spotify!

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An Entire Year of Meal Ideas

An Entire Year of Meal Ideas

I previously did a whole post with my best tips for meal planning, and in that process, I asked for feedback from my followers about their pain points when doing their own meal planning. And you know what they said? Meal ideas! So I’m sharing an entire year’s worth of meal ideas to help you with your meal planning.

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Our Christmas Card for 2021

Our Christmas Card for 2021

I have always loved receiving Christmas Cards! I love hanging them somewhere special in the house so that I can see the faces of friends and family and can be intentional to pray over them. Over the years, I have used several different services for creating and sending out Christmas Cards, but my absolute favorite to use is Minted!

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Soft & Fluffy Sugar Cookies

Soft & Fluffy Sugar Cookies

It’s the start of the Christmas season in our house now that Thanksgiving has come and gone and one of my favorite things to do around the Christmas holiday is making cookies! One of my favorite cookies to make is this soft & fluffy sugar cookie - they are seriously SO easy to make and are absolutely delicious!

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Shop Small & Local in Lancaster, PA

Shop Small & Local in Lancaster, PA

If you are gearing up for holiday shopping or looking for the perfect unique gift for someone special this Christmas, please consider visiting a local small business when browsing for gift ideas! Check out this roundup of local businesses in Lancaster, PA. Small Business Saturday is coming up on Saturday, November 27, 2021.

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15 Beautiful Advent Scripture Sets

15 Beautiful Advent Scripture Sets

I love the Advent season. The preparation for Christmas and the opportunity to focus my heart on the true reason for the season — Jesus! Several years ago, I purchased an Advent Bible Study from SheReadsTruth that came with these beautiful advent scripture ornaments that you could pop out and hang on your tree. This year I decided to use those scripture ornament cards as our Advent Calendar above our dining table so that we can read a verse every morning at breakfast as we prepare our hearts in this Christmas season.

I have rounded up several beautiful options for Advent Scripture Card Sets — most of them are from Etsy (which means they are handmade by small business creatives!). Some of these sets are printable downloads and others can be shipped.

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10 Days of Thanksgiving

10 Days of Thanksgiving

I wanted to share a few of my favorite Bible Verses about thanksgiving and a challenge for you to reflect over the next 10 days leading up to Thanksgiving. It is my hope that this brings great encouragement leading up to both the Thanksgiving holiday and the upcoming Christmas season, as you focus your heart on all that God has done for you and will continue to do in the future!

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