How To Keep Track of Your Kids' Memories & Milestones

How To Keep Track of Your Kids' Memories & Milestones

When I was younger, I used to journal all. of. the. time. - but now that I’m older, I find it is much harder to stay on top of writing things down or tracking fun memories and moments of not only my life, but also for my kids. I love all of the fun ideas for keeping track of your kids’ memories and milestones, but I often find it hard to know when or how often to write something down, or even what exactly to write or say. I often draw a blank. I’m sure our life is exciting and fun and worth sharing, but where do I begin?

I’m sharing with you several easy ways to keep track of your kids’ childhood memories & milestones, but also my FAVORITE product for tracking all of these memories that works best for me!

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Sleep Essentials for My 3-Month-Old

Sleep Essentials for My 3-Month-Old

Sleep feels like such a precious commodity when you have a newborn… and even more so when you also have a toddler! Now that we are working through sleep training again with a 3-month old and longing for nights where we get a full 8 hours of sleep (or even 6 - I would be happy with 6!), I wanted to share some of my all-time favorite sleep essentials for our 3-month old baby.

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Summer Deals with Amazon Prime Days & Target Deal Days

Summer Deals with Amazon Prime Days & Target Deal Days

With Amazon’s Prime Day and Target’s Deal Days both landing in July this year, it’s kind of like having Black Friday in the summer! I’m not an advocate for spending money that you don’t have, but if you have been holding out for specific items to go on sale, or want to shop really early for birthdays or holidays this year, now would be a great time to buy! You’ve likely seen all over the news that major retail stores like Target are slashing prices to help move overstock items from their stores ahead of the fall and holiday seasons. So I think we’re going to see some pretty major discounts all over this summer.

There are clearly going to be TONS of deals across Amazon and Target during these days, so I’m going to try my best to help showcase some of the best deals from both places - items that we have and love in our house or things that we have on wishlists!

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Travel Essentials for a Toddler & Newborn

Travel Essentials for a Toddler & Newborn

When traveling with newborns and toddlers, it's essential to be well-prepared! Planning ahead and packing these essentials can help make traveling with young children a smoother experience for everyone involved. I hope that some of my favorite products find you some relief while you are planning and packing for your next trip with little kids!

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8+ Toddler Rain Gear Styles

8+ Toddler Rain Gear Styles

Even rainy days don’t keep my toddler from wanting to be outside or take walks around our city blocks! It doesn’t matter the weather, my son loves to be outside. And with today being another rainy summer day, I thought it would be fun to share some cute finds for toddler rain gear! I styled a few looks that I think would be so fun for any toddler, but also shared a bunch of additional cute options at the bottom of this post. Hope it helps you find something for your own toddler!

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Baby Style: Cute Outfits for Summer!

Baby Style: Cute Outfits for Summer!

It’s time for those summer outfits, friends! This is my first summer with a baby girl and it’s a whole new world for me! With my son, it was all onesies and shorts… but now we’re in the world of cute dresses, rompers & hair bows for my little lady.

My kids have some of the best aunties ever and my baby girl received a bunch of cute new outfits from one of her aunties just before we went on a family vacation. So I thought I would share some of those adorable outfits from our shopping haul with you all!

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April 2022 Favorite Finds

April 2022 Favorite Finds

I can’t believe how fast April seemed to fly by! Our sweet Ainsley girl was born on March 29, so all of April feels somewhat like a blur… but in the best way! We have loved getting to know our sweet little lady and adjust to being a family of four. I think I easily could have filled this post with all things postpartum and newborn, but I tried to keep some of my favorites from this month a bit more broad and approachable. There are a few favorites that showed up in Oliver’s Easter basket this year, some comfort items for my tired mama feet, and some newborn necessities.

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March 2022 Favorite Finds

March 2022 Favorite Finds

It’s baby month… and she’ll be here so soon! I feel like I could have filled this post with all of my favorite maternity finds and items that I’ve been gathering to prep for baby girl’s arrival, but I’ll be sharing more of that in future baby-related posts! :) So I’m sharing a few spring finds, some organizing favorites, and a few other household items that we’ve been loving this month!

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Meal Plan: March Week Four

Meal Plan: March Week Four

Well… it’s possible that it could be baby week! Or she could wait until next week. So the plan for this week is to be as prepared as possible and not put too much on our calendar. For meals, it’s our goal to continue to keep it simple and make meals that will do well as frozen leftovers for meals once the baby arrives.

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How To Support Ukraine Through Local Churches

How To Support Ukraine Through Local Churches

I can’t help but be really sad and disheartened by what is going on in Ukraine right now. Especially as a mama of a toddler with a new baby on the way. It’s hard to watch the news and read the stories of these mothers and children fleeing from their homes and feeling helpless from the comfort of my own home on the other side of the world.

My husband and I had the honor of attending a fundraiser dinner recently to learn more about how a local church is raising more awareness of the current crisis in Ukraine during this war and ways to be able to support refugees and other churches within Ukraine and other surrounding countries. If you are looking for a way to give to the local church in Ukraine, consider checking out the Ukraine Aid Fund!

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Meal Plan: March Week Three

Meal Plan: March Week Three

We are less than 3 weeks away from meeting our precious baby girl, so we’re starting to think about meals that we can make and freeze for easy lunches or meals after the baby is here. Other than using up some salad greens that we still have and making one of our favorites (the Chicken BLT Salad), the other three meals this week are great for freezing to pull out at a later time! Plus, the Shepherd’s Pie is a great nod to St. Patrick’s Day that we will likely make for dinner on Thursday.

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Preparing for our Second Baby

Preparing for our Second Baby

We’re at 36 weeks! Only a few more weeks until we get to meet our precious baby girl! Overall, I just generally feel more tired and uncomfortable with each passing day and am eagerly looking forward to holding this baby girl in my arms! Now I just have a few more practical things to take care of as we prepare for her arrival.

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Meal Plan: March Week Two

Meal Plan: March Week Two

We have a few different things going on this week - we have some friends coming over for dinner one night this week and then an event at church another night, which means we will either do takeout or a super quick meal before heading to that event. So most of our meals this week are ones that can be quick and easy dinners for our family.

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Toddler Library Book Haul - February 2022

Toddler Library Book Haul - February 2022

I thought it would be fun to share Ollie’s library hauls on the blog and give you my thoughts on each of the books that we read and share how our toddler seemed to enjoy the books (or not)! Our toddler is currently just a few months over 2 years old but has an active imagination, so I picked books that I thought he would enjoy based on his current interests (dinosaurs, monsters, trucks, etc.).

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Meal Plan: March Week One

Meal Plan: March Week One

We did a pantry clean-out over this past weekend and threw away a lot of expired food! Major bonus - now we know what we actually have to work with in our cupboards. Then we spent our Sunday post-church with our small group for brunch and I took two different baked egg dishes - they were a big hit! The main dish was a new-to-me recipe with hashbrowns and it was SO delicious! The rest of the meals that we put on our meal plan were intentional to use up extra ingredients that we had on hand from the breakfast casseroles or that we found in our pantry over the weekend.

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February 2022 Favorite Finds

February 2022 Favorite Finds

This month included some favorite finds for Valentine’s Day, but mostly has been about getting some spaces in our house ready for Baby Girl’s arrival at the end of March! I moved my vanity from our bedroom to spare room that serves as a walk-in closet, started to move some baby items that we already own into a corner of our bedroom, and our new sectional couch arrived and got put together in our living room! I’ll be sharing more about our new couch and our baby nursery corner in our room in future posts.

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