Cute Easter Baskets & Fillers for Toddlers

Cute Easter Baskets & Fillers for Toddlers

My husband and I decided that we would be super intentional about what we get to go inside of Easter baskets for our kids, and I thought I would share some of the items that I grabbed last-minute to go in our toddler’s Easter basket this year as we start our own family traditions for this holiday.

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300+ Questions for Couples

300+ Questions for Couples

No matter how well you think you know someone - you will be surprised at how much more you can learn about them when you take the time to ask very intentional questions! Asking questions is now a favorite activity for my husband and me on our road trips - and honestly, is something that we should do more often on date nights! This is such a great opportunity to get to know your significant other better and build and develop communication skills and deepen the intimacy of your relationship.

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Our Toddler Kitchen Tower

Our Toddler Kitchen Tower

We are big fans over here of interactive play and helping our son feel included and able to participate in what we are doing as a family - and we are especially excited to have him be a part of cooking and baking and food prep in the future! I have wanted to get one of these toddler kitchen towers for a long time, but often could not justify the price for the beautiful wooden ones that I would see all over Instagram. So I was very excited when a friend posted about one that she got as a gift for a much more reasonable cost.

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Expectations of Marriage & Premarital Mentoring

Expectations of Marriage & Premarital Mentoring

A month or so ago, my husband was approached by some former youth ministry students who were recently engaged and asked if he would be willing to be their marrying pastor and if we would be interested in doing their premarital counseling. As I was processing this new ministry opportunity for me and Eric, I wanted to be able to share our own journey as we reflect back on the start of our marriage and as we evaluate the current state of our marriage after nearly 5 years. Hopefully, this series will bring great value for those who are single, dating, or engaged - but also for anyone who is already married, because we’re never done learning and growing and developing within our relationships!

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Meal Planning Tips + Meal Ideas

Meal Planning Tips + Meal Ideas

Are you ready to take your Meal Planning skills to the next level?! Follow my Top 3 best meal planning tips and I promise you will find that meal planning becomes almost second nature and less overwhelming the longer that you do it! You will also find an entire year’s worth of Meal Ideas and recipe inspiration, updated every month with new recipes.

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Favorite Things: February 2021

Favorite Things: February 2021

I wanted to share with you a few of my favorite things that I have been enjoying the most over the past month or that my family has found to be super useful! It is my hope to share with you a few items every month and pass along some recommendations or joy to other families! This month has been all about staying cozy during some extremely cold days and bringing some sanity to this crazy little home in the middle of winter during a pandemic. Hope you find something helpful here!

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Self-Care Gift Ideas for Valentine's Day

Self-Care Gift Ideas for Valentine's Day

Self-care is an important way to show yourself some love and appreciation, and now more than ever we need to make it a priority. Whether you're shopping for Valentine's Day gifts or looking for something special just for you, there are tons of self-care gift ideas that will let your loved one know how much they mean to you.

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MEAL PLAN: February 2021

MEAL PLAN: February 2021

A meal planning calendar for February 2021, with links to suggested recipes. Feel free to use this as inspiration to make your own favorite versions of these recipes or replace meals that don’t interest you with some of your family favorites! Includes a free printable of the February 2021 Meal Plan Calendar and a blank version to fill in yourself.

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MEAL PLAN: January 2021

MEAL PLAN: January 2021

A meal planning calendar for January 2021, with links to suggested recipes. Feel free to use this as inspiration to make your own favorite versions of these recipes or replace meals that don’t interest you with some of your family favorites! Includes a free printable of the January 2021 Meal Plan Calendar and a blank version to fill in yourself.

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My New Favorite Mom Nails

My New Favorite Mom Nails

I’ve always enjoyed the time that I can spend painting my nails during some “me time” and watching a movie. But we all know… mom life leaves very little “me time” and even when we get that time, waiting for nails to dry is usually not a priority! So I decided to try out these press-on nails that several of my college girlfriends were now raving about and wanted to share a few of my thoughts, along with some tips and tricks for making them work for my mom lifestyle!

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A Simple Snack Basket for Delivery Drivers

A Simple Snack Basket for Delivery Drivers

I finally got around to doing something that I have wanted to do for years… and set out snacks and drinks for our delivery drivers! I created this holiday thank you sign quickly this morning and wanted to share with you all so that you can set up your own delivery snack basket and say Merry Christmas and Thank You to your delivery drivers this holiday season!

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Gift Ideas for Toddlers

Gift Ideas for Toddlers

Holiday 2020 Gift Guide | Gift Ideas for Babies and Toddlers, Ages 12-24 months, Ages 1-3 years old. Gift ideas for toys, books, clothing and accessories, ideas for eating and drinking, bath time, and more. Find gift ideas for everyone on your list!

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The Best Cut-Out Sugar Cookies

The Best Cut-Out Sugar Cookies

These brown sugar cut-out cookies are the perfect sugar cookie recipe that holds their shape with a stiff but chewy dough that is irresistible with homemade icing and festive holiday sprinkles for decorations!

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Gift Ideas for Her

Gift Ideas for Her

Holiday 2020 Gift Guide | Gift Ideas for Women - for your wife, mom, sister, or friend. Gift ideas for clothing, footwear, self-care, home decor, entertainment, food & drink, accessories, and more. Find gift ideas for everyone on your list!

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Gift Ideas for Him

Gift Ideas for Him

Holiday 2020 Gift Guide | Gift Ideas for Men - for your husband, dad, brother, or friend. Gift ideas for clothing, footwear, self-care, skateboarding, entertainment, food & drink, accessories, tools, and sports & leisure. Find gift ideas for everyone on your list!

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